History Timelines

Shri K.D. Marfatia & Family launched first Tiger Brand Lathe Machines.
Launched SABAR Standard Cot Grinding Machine (STANCOT & EXSTANCOT), which became its first mass selling Cot Grinders.
Introduced Plunger Grinding principle- SABAR Mechanical Cot Grinding Machine (MECHCOT) + HYDCM + PCM + HCM + CAL + ETTM + ETTE.
The Semi-Automatic Cot Grinding Machine (HYDCOT) developed by SABAR was one of the best Semi Automated Cot Grinder + SUV + GR + DEGR.
Launched the Automatic Cot Grinding Machine (AUTOCOT), which has unique technical feature for Auto Feeding of Top Rollers + CRC + FRTM + HYDFRT.
SABAR introduced its first Twin Automatic Cot Grinding Machine (TWINCOT) with simultaneous grinding of Small & Long Cots + FCRC + AFCRC + BORO–B + TUV.
Introduced SABAR Dual Head Automatic Cot Grinding Machine (DUALHEAD AUTOCOT) for large Spindles capacity Spinners + FCM + SCD
Launched the World’s 1st precise Cot Grinder – SABAR Fully Automated Servo Controlled Twin Cot Grinding Machine with Diameter set software (SERVOCOT) + OUV + BORO-P + AGR.
The name and the brand SABAR stand for the first class quality as well as reliability. Thus more than 3000 Spinning mills are enjoying outstanding production of SABAR Machines. Besides in the year 2019, Sabar launched Dual Head Fully Automated Servo Controlled Cot Grinding Machine with Diameter set software (DUALHEAD SERVOCOT).